Monday, September 21, 2009

Alexis will have her several hours of pre-op tests/paperwork today beginning in about 10 minutes. My heart goes out to Kendra and Jason. Watching your baby go through this is so tough especially when the baby is so "with it" and responds so happily to the people around her. It is just the thought of people taking her to a strange room and doing surgery on that tiny heart that makes it so scary. Doesn't matter if you know that everything is going to be fine and she will be great soon.....scary is scary!!! I can't even imagine what goes through a parent's head at a time like this. I wish I could make it all go away. I do know that Kendra got only 1 hour of sleep last night. Can't blame her at all but fatigue only makes everything worse.

Jason's folks will take care of the boys today. They will stay with Paula and Ron tonight and for a couple of days. Tom and I will head down to Noblesville later today and be at the surgery (along with Connie and Jim) tomorrow. Tom has cancelled his Ivy Tech classes for tomorrow. He will be coming and going to Noblesville for a couple of weeks. Going to be a very long couple of days.

I don't have a date yet for my "teeny tiny tumors". It will be after I get back from Nobville. She should call me with a date soon. But...right seems so insignificant!

Thank you dear Lord, for giving those doctors great wisdom and very steady hands. Amen!

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