Tuesday, June 23, 2009


No it's not tomorrow yet...I'm just up early today! Can't sleep. Today I am suppose to get the call from the hospital telling me what time to come in for surgery. Let's get this done so people quit worrying! I'm not...so why are they!

The only really, really good part of all this is that Kendra and Alexis are coming (wish it weren't because of me having a snip, snip!!!) this evening for a couple of days!!! This will be her first big trip. Jason will go back to work at Chrysler on June 29th so this week he is still home with the boys.

Went to Battle Creek yesterday since my brother and wife from New Mexico are visiting their daughters in Kalamazoo for the week. Daughter Kelly is buying her paren's old house and they came for the closing. However there was a glitch and can't close until July. They will do it using technology. The proper papers are already signed.

I had brunch with Barry, Linda, Keith, Sharon, Debra and Mother. Four of these people are very loud because everyone wants to be "listened to". Not pretty!!! Sometime soon, I'll just bring Mother to my house...just the 2 of us!

After Barry and Linda left, Debra's son David and wife Naomi from North Carolina walked in and will be staying until next Thursday. Haven't seen them in 2 years.

Left Battle Creek at 4:00.

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