Sunday, October 30, 2011


Our house is small. It seems to be getting smaller but perhaps that's not really the case. It could be the grandkids are getting bigger!!! Yup! That must be it! Thank goodness for a full basement even if it is unfinished! It's finished enough for a swing,  baby buggy,   toy grocery cart, teeter totter, "classroom", places to set up lots of Geo Trax, places to run and run and run, and on and on it goes.

This weekend, the grandkids were here. Nicholas turned 8 TODAY! He CHOSE to come to Goshen to celebrate. As he ages (and wises up) he probably won't make this choice, so we are thrilled that he wanted to come. He brought his Mom and Dad and brother Blake (6 1/2) and sister Lexi (2 1/2). They arrived on Thursday due to Fall Break. We celebrated his birthday on Saturday and Sunday. You can't have too much of a good thing. Layla (7 1/2) and Marley (4 1/2) were here to help celebrate. Let the party begin!!!

Here is the birthday boy! 8 years old!!! (I'm going to run into my scrapbook room right now and look at his 1st year book!!!)

Nicky and his Daddy see which Beyblade (top) spins the longest. "Lexi! Hey...Lexi!!! Is that you changing the channels?????)

"Ohhhh yessss! Just what I wanted!"

"One can't have too many Legos!"

(BTW: The glasses are "fake" but I'm not sure that Blake knows that. He LOVES wearing them. In fact, he wears his coat most of the day inside because that is what Harry Potter does. (I doubt that he has ever seen Harry Potter other than in a commercial.)  For Halloween, he will tell you that he was "Harry Potter dressed up as Darth Vador".

"We LOVE birthdays!"

Layla gives Nicholas instructions in the use of his new DS (whatever that is) and Blake is in a state of disbelief.

"Ohhhhh! I get it now!"

What's happening??? These kids are growing up as I type this! We need a bigger house....a few days a year anyway!

Alexis is so excited about the balloons!

Got it!!!

Nicky chose McDonalds for his lunch. Marley, Blake, and Layla didn't seem to mind his choice.

Happy Birthday to my favorite 8 year old grandson! I love you more than chocolate!

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