Friday, June 17, 2011

Grandparent and Me Camp 2011

Layla and I joined Penny Youngman and Sarah for our 2nd trip to Camp Barbee for Grandparent and Me Camp. Luckily the near-100 degree days had just passed and the temps were great for us old folks. We had to put up with the few rainy moments (mostly at night) but that was fine with us.

 Penny and I are neighbors and Sarah lives in Kentucky. Sarah  is a lucky girl  in that Penny arranges to get her picked up just so she can attend camp. Sarah and Layla got accquainted on our way to camp last year and then went the entire year without seeing each other. They were soooo happy to see each other again.  We adults were disappointed that  the camp was poorly organized the entire time. We arrived at noon on Thursday, had lunch and then had one hour of bunk time before we even did anything. No one ever was introduced to anyone else.  Nevertheless,  the great part was being with my granddaughter, Penny and Sarah. 

Layla now has a "Big Girl Bible"and she loves it.

Sarah (left) and Layla compare Bibles

Of course, there is nothing more than walking in circles around the campfire.

We listened as VJ decided what to do next.
Layla and Sarah are ready to make something. What will it be?

They were to cut out a 5-point star. Oh my!!!

"Let's go on a nature hike!"

"What did you find?"


"Can we go to camp next year....together???"
JoJo and Layla (I love her more than chocolate!)

Sarah and Grandma Penny
We would keep telling each other things that we were thankful for.

Grandmas and their granddaughters

"How silly can we be?"

Raindrops on the pine tree!

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