Sunday, April 3, 2011

Children's Museum

With all the "kids" and grandkids in Noblesville for the weekend, we headed to the Children's Museum. It doesn't get much better than this! Everyone met at the Smith house to get organized. Marley, Alexis and Layla checked out the new birthday chair.

Layla and Lexi

Layla, Nicholas, Lexi, Marley and Blake brunch at Wendy's before the museum.

Marley is the first to try on a costume at the museum.

Blake and Nicky are into Star Wars costumes.

Alexis is into crawling through tunnels and sees her daddy at the other end!

Marley talks on the phone in the Barbie area.

Layla (and Kendra) dress the model in the Barbie area.

Alexis sees a very cute baby!!!


Marley "walks the runway" in the Barbie area.

Alexis and her daddy love playing in the water!

Layla and Nicky play tic-tac-toe while waiting for food at Red Robin.

Marley and Blake share a good giggle while they wait for their food!
It was a great day!

(Oh my goodness....where are the pictures of the parents (besides Jason)??? Oh well...maybe next time.)

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