Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birthday Boy Blake

What a wonderful weekend. Tom and I rode with Brent, Layla and Marley to Noblesville for Blake's 5th birthday. (Elizabeth needed to stay behind due to her father's cancer diagnosis and therefore is in the hospital.) Blake really enjoyed his "pirate" party with cousins and friends. It was such fun having all five grandchildren in the same house for the weekend! They do so well together. There was not one fuss from anyone the entire time. Such good kids! We left Kendra and Jason's at 10:00 Sunday morning so the little girls would have time to rest before visiting Grandpa Pedler at the hospital this afternoon.

The day was topped off with a win by the Indianopolis Colts as they ready to win the Super Bowl in a couple of weeks! So exciting!

Nicholas (6 yrs.) and Alexis (9 mo.) share a laugh.

PopPop actually have all three granddaughters in the same place at the same time and are all looking at the camera!!! Alexis loves playing with the plastic cup! Who needs expensive toys!

Nicholas and Layla challenge PopPop to a game of "Trouble". They are now at the age when they are learning that they don't HAVE to win. They are just enjoying playing the game. Of course, Blake would rather look at a book. I'm surprised that he's not looking at a book about pirates! It's the fairy tale book that has been read so many times, it's falling apart!

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