Thursday, February 7, 2013


When two people meet and soul-sharing begins, wonderful things happen. Sarah Nagy and Michael Fenstermacher met at Mark Fenstermacher's 60th birthday party. Michael was living in NY and Sarah was teaching Social Studies in Elkhart. Soon after meeting, Sarah began posting flower pictures that she kept receiving on fb. There were lots of flowers!  Sarah's students wondered who in the world would send so many extravagant bouquets to their teacher!!! Who was this man??? There was a lot of excitement in the air! There was a lot of messaging going on between Sharon (Michael's mom) and Mary (Sarah's mom). I became excited with all that was going on. When I would see Mary at church or on fb, she would catch me up on the 'latest'. The airwaves were hot!!!

Soon there was a proposal and then the wedding at Beck Chapel at Indiana University, Bloomington on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Sarah and Michael were married by Michael's dad and magnificent photos were taken on the grounds, in the Union and ON the logo in Assembly Hall!!! Talk about having connections!

Soon, the 'young' Fenstermachers were moved into their new home in Chicago.

On January 19th, Sarah and Michael returned to Elkhart to celebrate their marriage with a few neighbors and  Trinity UMC friends. Pat Coates, Barb Fougerousse, and Shirley Huffman were the hosts at the Coates' home.

Michael & Sarah Fenstermacher
Greeting guests are Mary Nagy (left) & Pat Coates
The hors d'oeurvres were nearly too pretty to eat!
And if that wasn't enough, the next room hosted the calories!!!
Trust me! The pictures can't begin to do the food justice!
Even the veggies were gorgeous! Who does that???
Sharon Fenstermacher greets Ruth Ann & Steve Berger

See the picture of Sarah & Michael?
"I don't believe a word you're saying."
 "Well...maybe a little."
And then people just talked together...
...and laughed...
...and told stories...
...and ate some more...
...until it was time for Mark to head back to Bloomington.
(A pastor's work is never done.)
Sharon has to say goodbye to her son and new daughter-in-love.
Sarah & Michael thank Shirley for being a wonderful hostess and friend.
What a wonderful mother/daughter bond these two have!
(Thanks for inviting me to your party!!!)
We were able to sit around and watch a DVD of Sarah & Michael's
courtship, travels and wedding. It was a perfect way to end the evening.
I realize now how few pictures I have of the bride and groom but I have no pictures of Jim, Sarah's dad!!! I should have taken photos of the Nagy family and the Fenstermacher family but alas...I never want to get in people's faces and make them pose more than necessary. Someday, I'll get a 'real' camera and get in people's faces for sure.
Happy wedded bliss to Sarah and Michael!

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