Thursday, August 8, 2013

Making The World A Better Place

When I was teaching, I always read the book "Miss Rumphius" to my class. By the end of the book, the rocky shores by her home are covered with beautiful lupine because her grandfather had told her that she must "do something to make the world more beautiful".
Layla and Marley have been here this week. Tom and I try to keep them busy but not go overboard. They have really done well playing together and enjoying each other's company this summer. Yesterday and today were especially fun because 1) the weather has been fantastic and 2) their bicycles are at our house and 3) Marley is already doing well at adjusting to her new braces! She has yet to complain and I am so proud of her!

This morning was cool but gorgeous and it was 80 by afternoon.
I told the girls that our sweet neighbor, Charlene Snelson, was celebrating her 83rd birthday today and the girls went into "birthday" mode. They wanted to get flowers for her and they could make cards and make her some pumpkin muffins and take them to her!
The girls are quite adept at card making. They headed for my paper supply and after asking me what Mrs. Snelson's favorite color was, they grabbed the blue flowered paper. When I returned from a back decompression, the cards were nearly finished. I am amazed at how much "decoration" a person can attach to a card! Both cards were "heavy"!
Layla and I went to the store and Layla picked out a bouquet of flowers. We headed home to make the muffins.

The girls have been making these muffins for years and know the routine. Every once in a while, I saw a spoon get licked and we discussed how the Snelson's wouldn't like their germs. (It was a teachable moment.)
About 3:00, all was ready. At the last minute, Tom suggested that we take Layla's piano book (I have just begun to give her lessons but she is learning very quickly and we love to play duets) to play for Mrs. Snelson since she was a piano teacher many years ago. We walked up the hill and had a wonderful visit. Charlene was so happy with all that the girls had done. Charlene and Keith loved the piano duet and Keith stood in the doorway listening while eating a muffin. We laughed!!!
As we walked down the hill, I told the girls that they had certainly done a wonderful thing today by taking time to make the world a better place. They had made Mrs. Snelson (and Mr. Snelson) so happy and that had certainly made the world a better place.
Run Marley! Run!

Time to put things away until tomorrow.

We got back to our house and the girls rode bikes until Brent arrived home from work. Marley wanted to race (ON FOOT!) Brent down the cul de sac and they did! I guess that nothing can stop that little girl!
It takes such little effort to do good things for others.
I really want my grandchildren to realize this.
It was so much fun to watch today "come together".
Happy Birthday, Charlene!

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