Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Concord South Side began classes today for Layla (now a 4th grader) and Marley (now a 1st grader). How did this happen??? Tom and I were invited to come over and hear about their first day of school (perhaps because we did everything but invite ourselves!). With new bus routes in place (they only ride the bus after school), travel times are always longer on the first day while the drivers figure out their routes.
                              Hi Layla! How was 4th grade?
"Marley, will you stand by the tree and let me take your picture?"
Hmmmmm....I think she said "no".
(This was a long day for wearing the braces but she did it.
Of course, she had no choice in the matter which is a good thing.)

Nothing better than letting feet air out for an hour
and have a good scooter ride.

Jen decided that flowers would be perfect for today.

It's time to go through the book bags and get the paperwork filled out for school before we go eat dinner.

"Marley, can you read this to me?
It's an apple poem," asks Layla.
She did a great job!

It's a trip to Steak and Shake since it's a special day.
The girls were thrilled
except when Daddy started talking about "pulling a very loose tooth".

"I'm not going to pull it Marley."

"Oh thank you Daddy!!!"
Layla, Marley and Jen wait for their dinner with great expectation!

Everyone talked about their day.
It was a good one.

It was fun to be a part of the girl's
first day of 1st grade and 4th grade.
Now quit growing!!!

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