Friday, April 19, 2013

Let the River Roll.....

We've had heavy rain. Many people are flooded, have water in their basements, and have a mess on their hands. We have been so lucky because, even though the river 'curls' around us, we have never had a drop of water in our basement. (Oh no! I hope that didn't jinx us!!!) It's freezing outside but I ventured out to take pictures of the river as it comes over the banks (by our neighbor's house across from us) and begins to wrap its way around. The water wasn't there an hour ago so you can see how quickly things change. A couple (?) of years ago, his house was surrounded by water  and it was at the base of our driveway. We were sweating that year!

The river is beautiful to watch. These pictures were from the front of the house. When I look out the back window, the river is running hard and fast.  Since we don't have more rain in the forecast, everything should be fine. It kind of depends on what the people do as they  control the rivers at the dam site. We are on the Elkhart River but since the St. Joe is under a flood warning, it affects the Elkhart river too. At least, for now, I am enjoying the power of the river.

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