It was really quite beautiful and we weren't cold since we were well layered.
We followed the path beginning on the other side of our cul de sac and arrived
back at our house. It was really a beautiful day.
When I turned around, it was interesting to see how the ice was beginning to
form around the logs. This photo doesn't do it justice. It really was very pretty.
The paint lines on this tree are very important to Tom. There was a LOT of rain in
2008. It was the first time we really worried about a flood. Tom would go out every
couple of hours and measure how much higher the flood waters were. He had a
yardstick attached to this tree. I don't think I realized how nervous he was, as was
our neighbor who has come out of his garage in a rowboat in the past. The water
comes across the neighbor's yard before it gets to us. But this time, the water was
as high as it had ever been. It ended on the white line (between the two black lines).
Luckily, we have never had as much as a drop of water in our basement and hope
we never do.
See the tree down there? It has lines painted on it.
Hmmm. What's this crossing our path? With all the rain lately, this tree fell
and one by the gate and one up the street. This one will have to wait for spring
and a chain saw.
This is our cul de sac. This is the best place in the world for grandkidlets to
bike, run, skateboard and be free to play without fear of traffic! Priceless!
(Notice how freely I use the word "our"? I only say that because it is used
by about 2 or 3 people and Tom uses it more than anyone.)
Now this is a very sad picture. This chair belongs to my
wonderful neighbor, Charlene Snelson, who lives up the
street. She would walk nearly every day down to the end of
the cul de sac, stopping along the way to breath, ending up
in this chair. It was seldom used last summer and, of course,
isn't used in the winter. I can't wait until Charlene is out and
about again. She is so much better now but her oxygen hose
won't reach this far. Her husband, Keith, walks the path every
day so maybe he calls it "his" path. I'll have to ask him.
So, it was another wintry walk and it looks nearly the same as the last walk but
it was quite different from our perspective. I can't wait until I can get rid of the
ugly ear muffs, the coat and boots and begin taking photos of the flowering trees!!!
Just 46 days until SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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