Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fabulous Fourth!

I realize (after going through photos that I have taken) that I always miss people. I always seem to focus on my grandkidlets. What's that about??? Tom and I celebrated the 4th at my sister Paula's and her hubby, Ron's house. We do this yearly since they have the big house and the pool. Of course, we celebrate there even when there is nothing to celebrate. They are great entertainers. Since my daughter Kendra and family live only 8 houses from Paula, they celebrate anything they can think of celebrating  on days that end in "y". It's wonderful having a sister and daughter that are as close as mother and daughter. I'm so blessed!!! But...getting back to the photos.

I now know that I missed getting photos of many members of our dear friends, the Geras. I missed Paula and I missed sneaking up on Paula's daughter, Heather, and catching a picture of her. Darn! Well...I did get my grandkidlets. Thank goodness!!!

Blake and Nicholas give up playing a game to head for the pool.

Pool view from the kitchen deck.

Nobody makes Jason smile like his Lexi does.

Blake takes a breath from swimming.

Nicholas is always willing to smile for the camera.

Then he is back to the pool.

Eric Gera, Nicholas and Blake....friends forever!

Alexis loves the pool!
The closeup photos below were taken by Tom. He gets all the credit. He has big zoom. He has good eye. He does good work.

But I did get one picture of our host. I didn't get one of Paula that she would let me publish. We kind of have an understanding about not embarrasing each other. (Same goes for Kendra). But Ron...he's always good for a smile. His birthday is soon and Paula bought Ron a birthday bike. He really likes it even if it did break down today and he was rescued by Tom (but that's another story).

Happy Birthday to my dear brother-in-law. Thanks to you and Paula for sharing your house, your pool and best of all, yourselves with all of us......again!

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