Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Aunt Eleanor turned 90 on April 5th. She has always been such a special lady to me. She has perpetual joy in her heart and soul. It's one of those things that I wish I could say about myself but can't. I'll just keep trying though. Aunt E doesn't even have to work at it! She has served others all her life. Her daughter (my crazy cuz), Carol Ann and I were discussing all the people that Aunt Eleanor has cared for (not for weeks but for years!!!) and we couldn't even think of half! Now, Carol Ann is caring for her mother. Aunt Eleanor is in a great facility but Carol Ann is there to be with her mother daily. She loves her, laughs with her  and no matter the situation (some of which are quite messy), Carol Ann loves on her with all her heart. She learned well from her mom.

Aunt Eleanor and Jill

Aunt Eleanor and Mother

Here is Carol Ann a couple of years ago. I can't believe that we forgot to take each other's pictures! Oh well!!! I grabbed this one. I always did love it.

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