Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blake "Harry" Smith Turns 7

When Blake was born, he promised me that he would never grow up! You can't trust kids these days! He will turn 7 on Tuesday. He tells me that he will always fit in my lap too. Now, should I believe this??? I'm beginning to question his word. He told his mother the other day that he was born "on the same day as PopPop's brother" and "we are both artists". So true! Uncle Hal is one of the people who design Boy Scout popcorn tins. (Or course, this year they changed from tin to paper! Rats!) Our names are on many of the "Kattau" tins and we have the tins to prove it! How proud are we??? Blake's celebration took place yesterday. He woke up early and went downstairs to discover the Harry Potter decorations. Blake has never seen a movie or read a book about HP. He just loves the glasses, tie and outfit. He saw a bowl of 10 cent HP glasses and kept them on all day. Oh the joys of being a youngin'.

Kendra made "wands" out of pretzel sticks dipped in carmel and then chocolate. Ohhhh my! How good were they!

PopPop was put on "lightening" duty. Of course, all of this was happening way past my bedtime. Did I say that Kendra is a night-owl?

I forgot to take a picture of these cones atop cupcakes. Too cute!

Kendra made these "boomsticks". (I guess HP can fly.) These were the goodie bags that the cousins took home.

Uncle Ron, Aunt Paula and Heather gave Blake the HP costume for his birthday. We had him open it first figuring that he would probably like it.

"Ohhhh how cute am I?"

I made a card for Blake.  He read it and read it and looked at the pictures in the card. Notice he is about to get to the picture of him on the back page where he is about 2 and is puckered up. I had no idea the reaction that I would get!

It was worth every minute that was put into its creation! Love love love this little boy!

Aww! Here is Lexi Lou in her zebra outfit ready for some cake!

"Did Blake need his tie?"

"Do you like my tie Daddy?"

"We will write Blake a birthday letter."

But before we had the party for Blake, Nicholas had an Upward Basketball game and made his first basket!!! Yeah Nicky!

Such a good time was had by all this weekend. Brent and the girls stayed at Kendra and Jason's house while Tom and I stayed with Paula and Ron. Grandma Connie and PopPop Jim came along with Conya and the family for the party. Along with a couple of more friends, there was a houseful at partytime and a lot of love and laughter took place.

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