Thursday, May 6, 2010

Next week....

Next week will be quite a week. Tomorrow, Tom and I will head to Noblesville to see the kids and Kendra and I will attend a baby shower on Saturday. Sunday, we will be with Mother in Battle Creek. Sunday evening until ? we will have Layla and Marley since on Monday, Rich Pedler (Elizabeth's dad) will have his entire stomach removed (hard to imagine?) at IU Med Center.

Wednesday afternoon will be my "TTT" (teeny tiny tumor) surgery. It will be the first time that I will have 6 out instead of the usual 3 since we let the last triad of tumors wait until this surgery. It will be over quickly and I'll be home before anyone realizes I'm missing.

The following weekend is Tom's birthday weekend and am not sure what is happening during that weekend. Kind of waiting to see how Rich is doing and where everyone will be.

So......some concerns and some joys. Thanks to all for the prayers....especially for Rich.

1 comment:

  1. We'll be thinking of all of you next week &
    praying for great outcomes! be sure to keep us in the loop:)
    Love you guys,
    Marge & Verlyn
