Sweet Nicholas is 6 years old and ready for baseball to begin. He is in Kindergarten and loves school. Give him a transformer and he is in heaven. Nicky is so in love with his little Lexi. What a wonderful big brother he is. Such a tenderheart!
Precious Layla is definitely our "girly girl". She loves pink, princesses, jewelry and you will usually find her wearing something fancy. She will tell you that she is reading in level "H" which is one step below 2nd grade level when in fact she is in Kindergarten. She is PopPop's girl!!!
Blake is our pirate. He has been playing/wearing/eating and breathing pirates for 2 or 3 years. We keep waiting for him to switch gears on us but nothing so far and that is just fine. He is the cutest pirate I've ever known. Blake is 5 yrs. old and in 3 day a week preschool.
Little Marley is our "funny girl". She does make us laugh with her constant dancing, jumping and singing. She is nearly 3 yrs. old and has attitude. She loves to do whatever sister Layla is doing and is in constant motion.
Little Lexi will be 1 year old April 7th. It's so hard to believe! She has been through a lot in her little life and is such a healthy, precious baby! She now sits up on her own and when on her tummy on the floor, can move in a circle very quickly! She is such a gift!
How can I ever be more blessed than I am now? It isn't possible! God has been so good to me and I will forever be thankful.
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