Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feeling Proud!

The windchill is below zero, but then, what's new. Today started out like any other day until there was a text from Brent that Layla was to receive an award during an assembly on "Wednesday, February 28". Hmmmm. I called the school. It was today. Tom and I grabbed our coats and headed to Southside. Layla and Marley have received several "lifeskill" awards during their school years and being 'good at life' makes me proud. My grandkids all make me very proud. I got to hug and kiss on both girls and that made my windchilled heart very warm.
Both awards were for "common sense".
One was from her 4th grade teacher.
The other was from her music teacher.
Layla does have LOTS of common sense.

Proud PopPop

Hi Marley!

My sweet girl!

Getting to see my girls wasn't in today's plans but seeing them was better than anything else I would do today. I am proud of them both!.
Tom and I are home again until we meet Kathy Thies at the Mayberry for lunch. It will be good to see her and hear about her new great niece.
In the meantime, I just looked out the window and, in spite of the snow, it made me know that spring will be coming...some day!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February Babies

Kendra and Brent are both February "babies".

Kendra Leigh Kattau was born on February 13, 1973 at 1:10 p.m.. She weighed 9 lb. 7 oz and was 22 inches long.

Kendra's first trip to Northridge High School


Kendra and her proud parents

(Found hand-written by Tom in black marker on a legal sized yellow pad in Kendra’s baby book:)

                                 By John David Carlisle
He interrupts
the correcting
of examinations
to mark
his daughter's
first day at home
He has learned
without a professor
how to hold
this fragility
Under her head
his hand
and next
to his heart
by a father's
she takes
top honors
Brent David Kattau was born on February 28, 1977 at 6:55 p.m. He weighed 6 pounds 14 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.

Brent gets a "talking to" from his daddy

Kendra and Brent with their daddy

Taken during our year in England
Our family in August 1978 upon our arrival in Elkhart
after living in England.

"My how they've grown!!!"
Kendra and Brent have grown into wonderful adults. They have provided Tom and me with moments of
great joy
boundless love.
Until we became parents, we had no idea what
really meant.
Our children taught us about love.
We are so blessed.
Happy Birthday to Kendra and Brent!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wild, Wacky & Wonderful!

I haven't had a chance to get to Noblesville since October so I am making up for it this month. Tom and I were here for a couple of days last weekend and are here for a couple of days during this week. Last week was Blake's wonderful performance as Peter Pan and Nicholas making the only points in his Upward basketball game.

This weekend brought great joy for the family as my sister, Paula and her husband, Ron, became grandparents for the first time. (They have certainly been "grandparents" to my 3 Noblesville grandkidlets since they were born because they live only 8 houses from Kendra.) Elliott Grey Bowman was born Monday, February 10th to Andrew and Miranda Bowman. They live in Bellingham, Washington which is a long, long way from Noblesville. Paula and Ron will be heading that way March 3rd and Aunt Heather hopes to make a trip that way soon. If I had photos of that beautiful baby, trust me, I would put them on my blog!!!

During the two weekends that Tom and I have been here, the boys have been keeping busy around the house with this and that.

Silly Boys
Then there were puzzles to complete with PopPop Tom and Pops:
"I think I can finish  it PopPop!!!
I have the last piece!"

That was one 'busy' puzzle!!!

There are always K'NEX to put together:

And books to read:
Blake (9 years old)

Nicholas (10 years old)
Then there were the "Alexis" activities:
Last night, Tom, Paula and I attended the "Friendraiser for GiGi's Playhouse Indianapolis". Kendra is on the Board that is working diligently to open this new facility. The "Friendraiser" is for families, friends, professionals, and people interested in continuing the education and support of the Down syndrome community. We are very excited that this GiGi's Playhouse will become a reality soon!
Tonight, we were able to watch Alexis during her therapeutic horseback riding session at Agape Theraputic Riding in Ciscero, Indiana. What a joy!!!

"Walk on!"

It has been such a wonderful couple of weeks.
I'm so proud of these kids. Best part: they are just plain good kids!
On top of all of these fun things, TODAY is Kendra's 41st birthday!
How is this possible???
She definitely deserves her own blog entry
but here is a teaser:

Happy Birthday Kendra Leigh Kattau Smith!