Donna and Darrell Brown celebrated 70 years of marriage today in Tekonsha, Michigan. SEVENTY years!!!! That's a LOT of loving, communication, patience, compromising and endurance. These two did it well! They were my neighbors during my growing-up years. They were my best friend's parents. I spent a lot of time with Sharon at her house and her parents always included me in their family. I even went to several Brown reunions. I also love Kathy (younger sister). Where Sharon ended up being my sister-in-law, Kathy ended up being a sorority sister at Olivet College. Then there is pesky Richard. Richard treated me just like he treated his sisters. Rotten!
I arrived at the Union Church (my hometown church) in Tekonsha and was so happy to see so many people! Mother, Debra, Darrell, Donna and Sharon had already arrived. My brother was there somewhere.
As people arrived, it was difficult to be quiet and get into 'worship mode'.
Seeing Mary and Howard Main was a great joy! They were best friends with my Mom and Dad. They are friends to this day!
Mary Main and Mother: BFF's
Kathy, Ted, Robin and her fiancee |
"Little" Clifton Voshen and his wife happened to be in town (from Alabama) for the weekend to see his mother, Jeanette. He didn't care about me!!! He kept asking about Paula and gave me his email address to give to her. Hmmmmm.
Then came the reception in the fellowship hall: |
Darrell and Donna Brown
70 Years!
Kathy, Darrell, Donna and Kathy
'Pesky' Richard
Howard and Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Lindquist (I can't call them by their first names because Mr. L. was my teacher and class sponsor.) I was thrilled to see them again!!! (Hope he doesn't 'grade' this!)
Jerry Long
He was in Sharon's class but in a teeny-tiny school, everyone knew everyone. I remember listening to Jerry play many a drum solo.
Here is another dear friend that I hadn't seen for many years. This is Pam Main (daughter of Howard and Mary).
Like Kathy Brown, Pam and I played many piano duets together. Pam and I had a chance to visit and remember the "good ol' days". It was wonderful!
Barbara Taylor
(I was probably annoying to Barbara since she was trying to do some 'serious' photos of the family.)
Before heading back to the Browns for lunch, Barbara gathered family groups together:
Darrell and Donna
Sharon, Kathy & Richard
Asia, Keith, Sharon, Chynah
Darrell and Donna
Ted Radke (Kathy's husband)
Their daughter Robin and her Fiancee
We headed to the Brown's home for lunch:
"Glad to be back home!"
Mother enjoyed listening to the stories of Tekonsha.
Beautiful display of the Marriage License!
The shadow box of their wedding was beautifully done.
(Sorry about the glare.)
Here was a great photo of the Browns
from a church photo shoot.
It was a great day of memories.
Happy 70th anniversary Donna and Darrell!!!