Monday, February 21, 2011

My Sweet Girls!

The girls spent Saturday and Sunday nights with us. I just love it when they are here. Layla looked so cute in these pj's, I couldn't resist a picture. She was just out of the tub and ready to snuggle and read stories.
Marley Mae (really Marley Elane but Mae seems soooo right for her) was ready to play after waking up this morning. I told her she could stay in her pj's for a while but she wanted to get dressed!

I love it when they are in a "sisterly love" mood. Can you tell that these two are related?????


Tom and I got home from Florida in time to get to Noblesville for another Upward Basketball game. Alexis is ready for the game to begin and I melt when she holds her hands out for me to take her but Tom insists that he is standing behind me and she wants HIM!!! So...I can dream can't I?
Lexi is ready for the game to begin but will do a few "stretches" before it begins.
"Ok...where is Nicholas? I'm ready to watch that game!"

"Where is he???"
"Maybe I'll just make a little trip out onto the floor to check things out."

"Oh darn! Here comes Daddy!!! I can't get away with anything!"

"I love my brodder. He lets me play with his pirate activity book while we wait."

"This is a great book!"

"Ok!!! It's time for the game!"


"That boy is a scrapper!"

And he shoots...........................................close one!

Good game Nicky!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Ok...we decided to join the ranks! In Naples, if one gets hit by a car, they will probably be hit by a Maserati, Rolls, Jaguar, Ferrari, Bentley or Porsche. we are driving around in a rental car. That just can't happen. Therefore, we had to choose a car to buy. There happened to be a car show in downtown Naples...over 300 cars! Very, very expensive cars!

Out of over 300 VERY expensive cars, Tom found the only Pontiac! That's my man!!! (If you know us, you know that we didn't really buy a car!)

Friday, February 4, 2011

"Sand" cards to the kids

Due to lack of appropriate cards for the grandkids, Tom wrote our thoughts in the sand while we waited for the sunset.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

# 10

It was #10 on my "bucket list"! I haven't been on one in 35(?) years! But here in Naples, where the temperature has been between 75 and 81 and sunny every day since we arrived, this was the place to do it! It wasn't pretty. I knew it wouldn't be! It had fat "old fashion" tires, a plastic basket tied to the handle bars, high handle bars, one sticky brake that sort of worked, and I couldn't stretch out my legs. (I can hear the laughter from here!) was like being a kid again!!!!!!!!! It was such fun....for about 1/2 hour! Then my tush began to....well you know! I was thrilled to remind myself what it felt like to feel like a kid again! As kids my siblings and I lived on our bikes! I knew that I would never be without a bike! But as most things happen when we get old, I forgot how much fun it was to ride. Maybe I'll even buy a bike next spring. Something that fits and has the right equipment attached. Yes! I think I will!!!
By the way, I haven't decided what the other 9 things are to write on my list.