Two weeks!!! How can it be? But then, everything is under control. I have helped (and will help again this week) at Brenneman Missionary Church PreSchool where Marley attends) make peppermint projects with the 3 and 4 year olds and have taught them the song, "Six Pink Peppermints Til Christmas". Between this and making my own 93 Christmas cards to send out, I feel ok about what has gotten done. Being retired is wonderful because it gives me a chance to help the school and do these things that I love to do.
Kendra and the kidlets arrived for a weekend visit on Friday the 9th. It was great that they could come (Jason had to work) so we got our "kid fix". Tom and I do our best to baby proof before Lexi arrives by putting away things she doesn't need to check out. We lay heavy blankets on the stone hearth corners in case of a spill since she is walking all the time now. Oh what fun it is when the cousins get together!!!
Alexis is 2 1/2 and gets into everything. She is walking all over and exploring everything! In this picture, she is holding an angel that my sweet Aunt Eleanor Patch (who I think merits sainthood) made many years ago and gave to me when I visited her at the farm. Now, Lexi gets to enjoy the beautiful angel.
Love the angel!
Lexi also loves the Santa Bear
Blake (nearly 7) has also become quite a writer. He spent time yesterday morning, making a list of "naughty" and "nice" people that he knows. I'm not even going to check which side he put me on. Later in the day he spent a long time "making up clues". After he was finally finished thinking up and writing down the clues, Blake wrote a story using them. It was very, very good. Do we see another gift coming out of this little brain?
Nicholas (8) is telling me all the details about the little character he is holding. He reads up a storm. He will choose a story for me to read to him before bed and I have to tell him that if he chooses a book with names that are difficult, he has to read it to me which he does with no difficulity. What's wrong with this picture???
Layla and Marley are modeling their new clothes that they wore this morning to their program at River Oaks Church.
Layla liked the fact that the tights were ankle length. I guess that's the "style". She was all dressed up and ready for the party to begin. (Now we just need a party!)
Alexis and Layla love each other so much! |
Marley loves her new dress. She was ready to sing this morning at church. |
Nicky and Blake play so well together. Sweet little boys! |
Lexi loves sitting on the bouncing ball. This is one of many activities that take place in our unfinished basement. It is not the nicest place in the world to look at but the kids sure do enjoy all the activities that happen down there. There are a few carpeted places...under a full size swing, around the sand table (no sand), and in the "classroom" area. There are games, blocks, a big cardboard house, tricycles, teeter-totter, buggies, and the list goes on and on. I think that carpet is definitely in order! |
"Wheeeeeeee!!!" |
"Merry Christmas Everyone!" |