Saturday, June 19, 2010


One of the most fun things about being a grandparent is getting to go to some of the kids activities. Nicholas had several games rained out but we got to watch a couple of games. Alexis loved cheering him on.

These are my two most favorite boys in all the world. Blake (5) is on the left and Nicholas (6) is on the right. Note that Nicky's two front teeth are starting to appear.
Their family left today for a weeks vacation in Tennessee so I had to put their pictures in my blog because I am really missing them. Tom and I haven't seen them in a while so I look at pictures a lot!

Lexi loves her brothers more than anything. She loves that they kiss on her, play with her and to her!

Tom and I took a "daytrip" to Chicago on the South Shore. We drive part way, catch the train, walk around and window shop until we get tired and then catch a train home. We chose a perfect weather day.

We walked to Navy Pier and saw the pirates. Of course we thought of Blake!!!

What a beautiful city!

This week, Layla (on the right) and I went to "Grandparent and Me" camp in Leesburg, IN. It is held at Camp Barbee where Kendra and Brent went to church camp when they were kids. It was held from Monday noon until Wednesday noon...perfect amount of time for a beginning camper. The kids had to be from Kindergarten to 3rd grade. On the left is Sarah (granddaughter of Penny Youngman who told me about the camp). It was such fun getting to go their together and be in the cabin together.

Layla and Sarah had such a good time together.
They didn't meet each other until a few few minutes before leaving for camp. They will love getting together whenever Sarah comes from Kentucky to visit her grandparents. They were making plans to get together before they got home from camp.

Camp was a great experience. It was fun just being together!

Yesterday, Layla and Marley came to our house since Elizabeth had the day shift being with her dad. Elizabeth is trying to spend as much time with him as she possibly can. This is a very difficult time for the family.

The girls ran through the sprinkler (well...Layla did) and loved watering the flowers. Of course last night were terrible storms here but I know those flowers didn't mind the extra water.

Two of my precious girls!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Merry Month of May!

I can't begin to remember all of the "May" events. It is the month that I make more birthday and anniversary cards (with a couple of extras thrown in for good measure) than any other month. By the time that we celebrated Tom's 66th birthday on May 15, I had already created 4 and it was only the beginning. Kendra decided that 66 candles on one cake was too many. Good thinking!
I can't believe that Layla and Nicholas (below) are now Kindergarten graduates! It has been so much fun watching them learn to read and write, make new friends and begin their educational journey. Above, Layla says goodbye to Mrs. Smith. She was fortunate to have Carolyn (our good friend for many years) as her teacher.
Nicholas loved Miss Gray. We had a chance to visit his classroom on Grandparent's day and on the day of his "Kindy 500". We are soooo proud of Nicky!
Then it was Layla and Marley's turn to have birthdays. Layla turned 6 on May 27th and Marley (below) turned 3 on May 22nd. Does life get any better than on a birthday?

Here are just a few pictures of my sweet little Noblesville grandkids. Nicky was reading to Lexi and Blake was entertaining her with her toys. They are such wonderful kids.

I love this picture of Blake. He just makes me smile!

Hi sweet Alexis! Are you singing to PopPop? You are so much fun!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

One Year Ago...

It was one year ago that I learned that I had bladder cancer. I've had 3 surgeries to remove 12 TTT's (teeny tiny tumors) in 12 months......3 tumors every 3 months. But thank you God that they are contained INside the bladder and Dr. Fretz "looks after them". Some people get a tumor never to have another. Then there is me! But no complaints...just graditude that they are being taken care of.

Now!!! This morning I'm heading back to New Directions at EGH. Enough with the excuses! This 13 pound weight gain WILL come back off. I am out of control with my compulsive eating and I need help again. THERE! I said it! I need (Compulsive Eating Anonymous)!!! I felt like Pioneer Woman with my Memorial Day cooking but that is over now. No more! Done! Nada! Pray for me!